The Eloquent – Blue Lace Agate Bracelet


Blue Lace Agate has an immediate calming influence in our world of constant motion, chatter, pressure and stress. It melts away your irrational worries and anxieties that are not serving you. Blue Lace Agate has a soft glowing energy to soothe your emotions and quiet your mental chatter, creating a more conducive space for you to breathe, to pause. The freedom and serenity it gives off encourages you to express yourself freely.

Perfect for The Eloquent who wants to use the power of words impeccably to give voice to the voiceless, to express your thoughts and ideas, speak your truth and share your authenticity with the world. For anyone who wants to convey their message and use their human existence to share their light with the world through self-expression.

Blue Lace Agate’s Magic: Soothing. Freedom. Authenticity. Self-Expression. Self-Acceptance.

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