
You can think of Moonstone being like the magnificent Moon that rises and meets you every night. The Moon controls the tides, creating balance on Earth. Its brilliant moonbeams illuminate the depth of the night. Just like the Moon, Moonstone crystal encourages you to unlock your inner goddess that lies deep within your spirit. Let the soft glow of the moon light your path as you journey deep within yourself. Uncover the hidden treasures that lie in you. Nature has its own rhythm and time for everything, just like the Moon rises when the Sun sets, so do we have optimal time each day to operate at our highest energy and to also slow down to go deep within to reflect and revitalize.
Perfect for anyone who wants to channel The Goddess within you. Discover the unique gifts you can bring to the world. Feel comforted by the soft glow of the moonlight in the dark that it will guide you safely. Fall into the rhythm of the moon phases where each phase has its meaning, and so do yours.
Moonstone’s Magic: Light. Balance. Harmony. Inner Goddess. Depth.

Amethyst is known for strengthening your intuition and deepening your connection to self. Amethyst helps to cultivate more inner peace within bringing you a higher quality of tranquility and serenity for your mind, body and spirit.
Perfect for anyone ready for The Inner Awakening, who seek to awaken their inner power and clarity to see things for what it is, as they are. By consciously connecting with yourself, you can begin to tap into your intuition and be guided by your highest self.
Amethyst’s Magic: Peace. Spirituality. Intuition. Protect Energy. Connecting with Self.

Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love. Enhances love of all kinds, from self-love to loving all other living beings. It is a powerful stone for deepening compassionate and unconditional love for relationships of any kind. One of Rose Quartz healing properties is forgiving. The power of forgiveness heals and transforms any past that is still weighing you down and holding you back. Forgiveness is giving yourself the permission to move forward into the light without the baggage of the past, all from the place of love.
The Love Magnet attracts love into your life with ease. Love contains such empowering energy. Invite a little more love and compassion for yourself with rose quartz. Love can change and light up the world in magical and positive ways. Sending you love right now as you’re reading this!
Rose Quartz Magic: Unconditional Love. Compassion. Forgiveness. Trust. Expand Capacity for Others.